
Tayug Founding Anniversary

Tayug Founding Anniversary is held in conjunction with the religious feast of St. Patrick of Ireland every March 17 in the town of Tayug, Pangasinan, Philippines. March 17 may be declared special nonworking holiday such as Proclamation No. 1324 issued in 2022.

History of Tayug

The history of Tayug began during the colonial era. It was a town of Nueva Ecija on February 4, 1817, then of Pangasinan in 1837, back to Nueva Ecija in 1851, and then finally of Pangasinan in 1864.

On January 12, 1931, a secret group of peasants called Philippine National Association led by Pedro Calosa attacked the authorities. Their aim to be free from American rule, call out the injustice and unequal wealth distribution, and acknowledge the supremacy of the Aglipayan Church. They occupied the municipal hall and the command station of the Philippine Constabulary and razed the residences of prominent individuals in the town and other structures. Their uprising began before dawn and was quelled in the evening of the same day.

A monument of Pedro Calosa presently stands in the corner of Pangasinan-Nueva Vizcaya Road and Tayug-San Quintin Road.

During World War II, the town led a guerilla attack against the Japanese Imperial Army in what was one of the first of such resistance in the country. With their leader Lieutenant Severino Antiporda, they drove the enemies out of the fortress and recaptured the municipal hall on April 14, 1942. When the Japanese Imperial Army returned on May 3, 1942, their defense lasted for over a week before they surrendered and were killed along with people who were suspected to have aided their cause.

How to reach Tayug, Pangasinan

The nearest airport to the town of Tayug is the Lingayen Airport, which is about 70 kilometers away.


Tayug Founding Anniversary Summary

NameTayug Founding Anniversary
CelebrationFounding Anniversary, Religion
Contact0999 123 4567
DateMarch 17
Historical eventFounding anniversary of the municipality of Tayug
LocationTayug, Pangasinan
OrganizerMunicipal Government of Tayug
PatronSt. Patrick of Ireland
ReligionRoman Catholic