
FESTIVALSCAPE is a website whose contents are published without guarantees of any kind on the basis of accuracy, completeness, quality, reliability, timeliness, and validity. Contents are served for information purposes only and on an “as is” basis.

They may contain errors, inaccurate or outdated information, omissions, and other similar content issues. See About page regarding the summary of festival activities.

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Are the festival events and activities accurate?

Each of the festivals or holidays contain a brief summary of activities, events, schedule, calendar, etc. These activities are based on past celebrations.

While there are a number of festivals that have fairly consistent schedule (such as the nine-day novena and mass in a Roman Catholic religious fiesta of a patron saint to name an example), activities mentioned in the website may not always be complete, up to date, recurring, or being consistently observed. Most importantly, they do not predict future activities.

They are mentioned along with important bits of information with the sole purpose of offering a glimpse what the festival has to offer.

It is best to reach out to festival organizers for the most complete and up-to-date calendar of activities.

Are the festival and holiday dates accurate or fixed?

While we strive to be accurate, errors and inaccuracies may still be present. So to be updated of festival and holiday dates, please contact the organizers.

In addition, a few of the dates of celebrations are fixed such as founding anniversaries, charter days, cityhood anniversary, birth or death of heroes, dates on historic events, etc.

Yet the duration of celebrations vary. Additionally, there are fests and holidays that are movable. Religious celebrations that are tied with Lenten season are good examples. Others are scheduled within a specific week or day of the month.

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Terms and conditions may change without prior notice. Contact detail is admin@festivalscape.com.